I have always had an interest in technology and desire to fix problems encountered using it.
I have decided to take this to the next logical step and create my own websites.
Through building my own projects and working on websites for friends and family, I have worked with the following languages, tools and frameworks.
Material UI
Site I built to track bugs when testing other websites. I use this when building the websites I have built to keep track of broken parts that need fixing during the build process.
Bespoke fitness program and workout logging site, built for two personal trainers. Complex site with user and admin areas to manage fitness plans.
I wanted to analyse the number of jobs with different key words, so I build a small site to scrape some listings to compare different languages and roles.
My profile website. Wanted to use only HTML and CSS to create a quick loading simple site to showcase myself.
I wanted a site to use to speed read some text that I could control how fast the text was displayed so could be read more quickly.