Tree Hopper

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React Logo


Continued to consolidate my react knowledge by using Next.js for both front and backend.

MUI Logo

Material UI

I learned how to use the Material UI component framework for styling and reusable features on the site. Had to learn how to migrate to a new version of MUI mid project as I wanted to experience this process.

Fauna Logo

Fauna DB

I wanted a more secure site that prevented users accessing all data on the site. I used FQL and Fauna's inbuilt security roles as a database of the data.

Positives Logo


Secure site that has specific roles and a user can only view projects they work on. The site is responsive and works on mobile and has a clean easy to use UI.

Negatives Logo


Using the bugs table on a mobile is annoying as has to horizontally scroll, but don't see a way of solving this minor issue.

Add Logo

To Do Next

Update to run a newer version of Next.js. Add in some error handing UI elements for a smoother experience.

Screenshot of my bug tracking site